Thứ Sáu, 13 tháng 8, 2021
A.O. Smith VF Series, homeappliance
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O. Smith OTHER VF™ BOILER FEATURES: • ASME 160# W.P. • ASME PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE 125# • FACTORY MOUNTED FLOW SWITCH • MEETS CSD-1 CODE-–FACTORY STANDARD • BRASS DRAIN VALVE • LOW GAS PRESSURE SWITCH • DIGITAL INLET/OUTLET TEMPERATURE READ OUT • MANUAL RESET HI-LIMIT • ALL BRONZE FACTORY MOUNTED PUMP VF™ BOILER APPROVED OPTIONS: ❑ SEQUENCING PANEL ❑ ALARM BELL ❑ SIDEWALL VENT KITS ❑ VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL DIRECT VENT KITS VERSATILE MULTI-VENTING CONFIGURATIONS DIRECT-VENTING SIDEWALL VENTING CONVENTIONAL VENTING Please consult latest edition of the Installation Manual for detailed venting information and maximum/minimum venting distances. RECOVERY CAPACITIES Temperature Rise - °F (°C) Input ❑ SKID-MOUNTED SYSTEMS ❑ DRY CONTACTS FOR ANY Model No. Rating Btu/hr Water Flow 40 60 80 90 100 120 140 (22) (33) (44) (90) (56) (67) (78) BOILER FAILURE ❑ LOW WATER CUTOFF ❑ LP GAS ❑ CUPRO-NICKEL HEAT EXCHANGER TUBES VW-500 500,000GPH 1,268 845 634 563 507 423 362 LPH 4,797 3,198 2,399 2,132 1,919 1,599 1,371 GPH 1,901 1,268 951 845 761 634 543 VW-750 750,000 LPH 7,196 4,797 3,598 3,198 2,878 2,399 2,056 GPH 2,535 1,690 1,268 1,127 1,014 845 724 VW-1000 1,000,000 LPH 9,595 6,397 4,797 4,264 3,838 3,198 2,741 NOTE: Maximum gas supply pressure: 11˝ W.C. natural gas, 13.8˝ propane Minimum gas supply pressure: 4˝ W.C. natural gas, 8˝ propane Electrical Power: 120 Volts, 60 Hertz, 30 Amps. Page 2 of 4 ACGSS02307 VW MODELS - FLOW, HEAD LOSS AND TEMPERATURE RISE Model 20F° (11°C) ▲T GPM LPH ▲P 30F° (17°C) ▲T 40F° (22°C) ▲T Maximum Flow Rate Minimum Flow Rate FT ▲ PM GPM LPH ▲P FT ▲ PM GPM LPH ▲P FT ▲ PM GPM LPH ▲P FT ▲ PM ▲ T°F ▲ Pm GPM LPH ▲P FT ▲ PM ▲ T°F ▲ Pm VW-500 42 159 1.8 0.5 28 106 1.3 0.4 21 79 1 0.3 100 379 3.8 1.2 8 4 21 79 1 0.3 40 22 VW-750 63 238 2.9 0.9 42 159 2.1 0.6 32 121 1.8 0.5 110 416 4.3 1.3 12 7 32 121 1.8 0.5 40 22 VW-1000 85 322 3.9 1.2 56 212 2.8 0.9 42 159 2.3 0.7 120 454 4.9 1.5 14 8 42 159 2.3 0.4 40 22 NOTE: Head loss shown is through boiler only and allows for no additional piping Dimensions and Shipping Weights Model # A B C D Approx. Shipping Weight (Lbs.) VW-500 56 22 36 45 450 VW-750 62 28 42 51 575 VW-1000 71 34 48 59 750 Please note this product specification sheet is intended to assist with product selection. For the most current product installation and design instructions, please see the latest edition of the Instruction Manual available at or call your local A. O. Smith Sales Representative for assistance. Page 3 of 4 ACGSS02307 ™ UP TO 88% EFFICIENT, HOT WATER SUPPLY BOILER WITH MODULATING FIRE 4:1 TURNDOWN SUGGESTED SPECIFICATION The gas-fired hot water supply boiler(s) shall be A. O. Smith VF Boiler model VW______ having an input rating of _______ BTU/hr and capable of supplying no less than ______ GPH at a 100°F temperature rise when fired with (Natural/Propane) gas. 1) The boiler shall bear the ASME "H" stamp and shall be National Board registered (CRN in Canada) for 160 PSI working pressure. 2) The boiler(s) shall be equipped with a factory-installed 125# PSIG ASME Pressure Relief Valve. 3) The boiler(s) shall be design-tested and certified to the ANSI Z21.13 standard and approved by CSA International. 4) Meet or exceed the SCAQMD Rule 1146.2 for low-NOx emissions and air quality standards. The heat exchanger shall: 1) Incorporate a vertical straight tube 2 pass copper fin tube heat exchanger design. 2) Be circular, encompassing the entire burner and forming the combustion chamber. 3) The tubes shall be rolled into ASME grade steel glass lined tube sheets. 4) The headers shall be ASME 160 psi welded glass lined steel. 5) For ease of service and access, headers shall be bolted and sealed to the tube sheets with silicone "O" rings, having a temperature rating of over 400°F. Tube access plugs are not acceptable. 6) To provide rust-resistant operation, all internal heat exchanger water contact surfaces shall be copper or glass lined steel. 7) The heat exchanger shall be immune to thermal shock. 8) All non-heating surface heat exchanger components (headers, tube sheets, header bolts and gaskets) shall be outside and away from the combustion and flue collection areas, only the copper fin tubes shall be exposed to the products of combustion. 9) The sealed heat exchanger flue collection system shall be constructed of AL29-4C stainless steel that is immune to corrosive flue gases. 10) The heat exchanger shall be approved for inlet water temperatures down to 120°F. 10) The entire heat exchanger shall carry a five (5) year warranty. Boiler Pump: 1) The hot water supply boiler(s) shall be supplied with a factory sized and wired all bronze circulating pump. 2) The pump shall be interfaced with and managed by the boiler's control and cycled as needed for most efficient operation. Burner: 1)The gas burner shall be constructed of high temperature stainless steel and utilize a woven metal fiber mesh covering, be warranted for 5 years, and fire in a radial 360-degree flame pattern. 2) The burner shall be capable of infinitely modulating between 25% and 100% fire (4:1 turndown) with smooth starts and clean combustion. Boiler Controls: 1) All electrical boiler functions shall be controlled, operated, and monitored by a microprocessor-based control. 2) The microprocessor shall control and modulate the burner based on current system output requirements to maintain the boiler set point temperature and be accurate to within plus or minus 1°F. 3) The hot surface ignition system shall employ a separate flame sensor for maximum reliability. 4) The boiler control shall provide on board diagnostics with digital singular fault code read outs in plain English and help screens for additional troubleshooting assistance if needed. 5) The boiler shall be supplied with a remote tank thermistor for sensing and controlling the hot water storage tank temperature up to 1,000 feet away. 6) Provisions for connecting a remote thermistor, alarm bell, and alternate temperature controller must be provided. 7) Factory mounted and wired flow switch, blower prover, and blocked flue switches shall be provided. 8) The gas train shall meet or exceed the requirements of ANSI Z21.13 and include gas pressure regulator, manual gas cock, redundant safety gas valve, operating control valve, and plugged pressure test tapings. 9) The ASME rated pressure relief shall be factory installed. Venting: 1) The boiler shall be certified for direct horizontal through-the-wall venting or direct vertical venting; in addition to sidewall or conventional vertical venting. 2) The boiler shall be capable of horizontal sidewall or direct venting up to 70 equivalent feet without the aid of any optional sidewalll vent fans or blowers. Factory Start-up: 1) The boiler manufacturer must supply complete factory start-up by a factory approved start-up agent. The boiler shall comply with ASHRAE/IESNA 90.1-1999 standards. For Technical Information and Automated Fax Service, call 800-527-1953. A. O. Smith reserves the right to make product changes or improvements without prior notice. Page 4 of 4 500 Tennessee Waltz Pkwy, Ashland City, TN 37015 ACGSS02307 ©2007 A. O. Smith Corporation Printed in U.S.A.
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